Hi, I am new to Nemo. I am struggling with a problem that is I found all the values of temperature and salinity are 0 in the output.init_*. I am sure I turned on the namtsd already. has anyone known why this happens? Thanks in advance.

Hi, I am new to Nemo. I am struggling with a problem that is I found all the values of temperature and salinity are 0 in the output.init_*. I am sure I turned on the namtsd already. has anyone known why this happens? Thanks in advance.
Look for “E R R O R” in the ocean.output file
Hi smasson, there is no E R R O R in the ocean.output file. It is strange. I can make the **_grid_T.nc file with the run, but the values are all zero.
Are you sure that all variables are indeed equal to 0?
For example when you click on “Ok” in your ncview message box, do you get values that are only 0?
You can also use “cdo infov” to get informations on your file.
If your run goes until the end, which values do you have in your restart files? It is also 0?
Hi smasson,
Thanks for your reply.
Here is what I get after cdo infon. I notice that Nemo only receives the value from the blk not any data from init are inputted.
OK, you have NaN everywhere.
You should recompile with debugging options so the model stops as soon as you have NaN
Hi smasson, I noticed when I compiled the Nemo according to ORCA2_SAS_ICE, Nemo does not read the init data given in namtsd. I recompiled it with ORCA2_ICE_PISCES configuration. Nemo surprisingly read the init data. Do you know why it behave like that? Which step may I do wrong when I used ORCA2_ICE_PISCES?
ORCA2_SAS_ICE, is not running the ocean, only the surface modules (sea-ice+atmospheric bulks), see NEMO user guide.
thank you for telling me in detail smasson!