Hei Mink,
Please show your arch file and bashrc
It is a bit difficult to see anything, but could you check that the hdf5 and netcdf libraries you load in your bashrc files are exactly the same as those in your arch file.
try to replace -std=c++11
by -std=gnu++98
in your .fcm file
in bashrc
export HDF5_INC_DIR=/public/home/lvmingkun/lv/pkg/netcdf_install/hdf/include/
export HDF5_LIB_DIR=/public/home/lvmingkun/lv/pkg/netcdf_install/hdf/lib/
export NETCDF_INC_DIR=/public/home/lvmingkun/lv/pkg/netcdf-c-4.9.2/include
export NETCDF_LIB_DIR=/public/home/lvmingkun/lv/pkg/netcdf_install/netcdf-f/lib
export BOOST_INC_DIR=/public/home/lvmingkun/lv/nemo/boost_1_55_0/
export BOOST_LIB_DIR=/public/home/lvmingkun/lv/nemo/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib
in arch-GCC_LINUX.env is the same
Did you use --full
when calling make_xios
to make sure you recompile everything?
Or you could try -std=gnu++11
Is there some solution?