Until recently I was applying a SSS damping using the option nn_sssr=2 combined to the linear free surface. I’m using a regional configuration in which ocean and sea-ice components are coupled.
Now I’ve switched to the non-linear free surface, I am questioning about the good choice to apply a SSS damping.
As a reminder for the 2 SSS damping options in sbcssr.F90:
with nn_sssr=2 . both emp & qns terms are changed :
emp(ji,jj) = emp (ji,jj) + zerp
qns(ji,jj) = qns(ji,jj) - zerp
zerp being the correction term
with nn_sssr=1 only the sfx term is changed :
sfx(ji,jj) = sfx(ji,jj) + zerp
The surface temperature/salinity boundary condition in handled in trasbc.F90 :
! !== Now sbc tracer content fields ==!
DO_2D_OVR( nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls, nn_hls )
sbc_tsc(ji,jj,jp_tem) = r1_rho0_rcp * qns(ji,jj)
sbc_tsc(ji,jj,jp_sal) = r1_rho0 * sfx(ji,jj)
In the case nn_sssr=2, the modified term emp is used to compute the SSH and also implies changes in the vertical scale factors e3t , so that « salt conservation » is ensured.
While in the case nn_sssr=1, only the term sfx is modified so that we directly add/remove salinity to/from the ocean, meaning no salt conservation …
From there my guess would be to still use the option nn_sssr=2 …. but not really sure about that.
In which case the option nn_sssr=1 would be useful ? It will help me to better understand.
What would be the « best way » to apply a SSS damping when using the non linear free surface ?
Thanks for your feedback.