[v4.0.x] How to output `msftbarot` and `msftyz` coming from v3.6


As we started using NEMO4.0 here at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, we came across 2 variables that we were able to output under nemo-3.6, but we can’t make it work under NEMO-4.0. The variables are msftbarot and msftyz.

To give a little bit of context, for nemo-3.6 here’s what we had for both variables in our file_def and field_def files:

  • msftyz

    • file_def:
     <field enabled="True" field_ref="zomsf_3bsn" freq_op="1ts" grid_ref="grid_ptr_W_3basin_3D" id="id_1m_msftyz" name="msftyz" operation="average" unit="kg s-1"> this * 1e6 * $rau0 </field>
    • field_def:
    <field id="zomsf_3bsn" field_ref="zomsf_bsn" grid_ref="grid_ptr_W_3basin_3D" />
  • msftbarot

    • file_def:
    <field enabled="True" field_ref="uoce_e3u_vsum_e2u_cumul" grid_ref="grid_U_2D" id="id_msftbarot" name="msftbarot" unit="kg s-1">     this * $rau0   </field>
    • field_def:
    <field id="uoce_e3u_vsum_e2u_cumul" long_name="ocean current along i-axis * e3u * e2u cumulated from southwest point" freq_offset="_reset_" operation="instant" freq_op="1mo" grid_ref="grid_U_2D"  unit="m3/s" />

Now, for NEMO-4.0, things are different:

  • msftbarot
    • file_def:
     <field enabled="True" field_ref="msftbarot" name="msftbarot"  unit="kg s-1" > this * $rau0 </field>
    • field_def:
     <field id="msftbarot" long_name="ocean_barotropic_mass_streamfunction"   unit="kg s-1" > uocetr_vsum_cumul * $rau0 </field>

However, when I try to run with this configuration, I get an error related to the timestamp:

> Error [CConstDataPacketPtr CStoreFilter::getPacket(Time timestamp) const] : In file '/gpfs/scratch/bsc32/bsc32436/a3x1/auto-nemo/sources/xios-2.5/src/filter/store_filter.cpp', line 54 -> Impossible to get the packet with timestamp = 1923698700
  • msftyz
    • file_def:
    <field enabled="True" field_ref="zomsf" grid_ref="grid_znl_W_3D" freq_op="1ts" name="msftyz" operation="average" unit="kg s-1" > this * 1e6 * $rau0 </field>
    • field_def:
    <field id="zomsf"  long_name="Overturning Stream-Function : All basins"  unit="Sv"         grid_ref="grid_znl_W_3D" />

If I use this configuration, I get wrong values for the other basins. I think there are some differences between the two versions of NEMO when outputting this variable.

Long story short, I wanted to know if anybody has been able to output these two variables in NEMO-4.0 and how did you configure the file_def and field_def files? Also, if you can output variable hfbasin please let me know.

I can send logs, netcdfs, or whatever is needed.