[v4.2.x] Compilation: no `xios_send_field` subroutine

I can compile NEMO-4.0.1 with xios-2.5. But when I try to compile NEMO-4.2 with xios-2.5 it fails with messages

NEMOGCM/cfgs/MY_OCE_uncpl/BLD/ppsrc/nemo/iom.f90(1940): error #6285: There is no matching specific subroutine for this generic subroutine call.   [XIOS_SEND_FIELD]
            CALL xios_send_field( cdname, pfield2d, ntile - 1 )

According to xios source files, SUBROUTINE xios_send_field uses two arguments. But it seems that NEMO 4.2 tries to call xios_send_field with three arguments.

nemo 4.2.0 is not compatible with xios-2.5, you need trunk branch. See