Zoom example in Nemo 4.2.2

Dear All,

I’m trying to extract hourly SSH in a single location in a Nemo 4.2.2 based run. And it does not work, the model just holds, and does nothing when it’s time to print. Although I have done that fine when using previous versions of Nemo.
Has anyone an example on how to code a zoom properly in the xml files, domain, grid, field and file ?

Thanks for your help,


Hi Robinson,

The “1point” zoom domain is given as an example in the domain_def_nemo.xml and grid_def_nemo.xml files.

It would be used to extract a scalar timeseries from SSH data by including grid_ref="grid_1point" in the file_def.xml type files, e.g.

<field field_ref="ssh" grid_ref="grid_1point" />

Is this consistent with your zoom syntax? Do you also have this issue when using other diagnostic frequencies?


Hei Daley,

Thanks for your reply, but unless I am wrong I have followed exactly this procedure.
And it always worked in previous versions of Nemo. Will check again,

Thanks again,


Hei again,

Just to be sure, is there a specific XIOS version one should compile Nemo 4.2.2 with ?

Thanks for your help,


Hi Robinson,

You should use at least r2131 of XIOS 2, since this contains changes required for the tiling.

I’m not sure if this is related to your error, however, so I would recommend using the latest version of XIOS 2 if you can.


Hei Daley,

Thank you, i will try.


Hei Daley,

I have tried everything, even changing the Netcdf and/or HDF5 versions, same results. Normal outputs that contain the entire domain work, but zooms do not.

Any idea is welcome,

Thanks for your help,


Hi Robinson,

Could you attach the XIOS .xml files you are using? I will try to replicate the issue.


Hei Daley,

Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate because I’m really blocked now.
I have put the xml files here:


I’m trying to output a simple ssh time series at a point, which you can easily identify using the grep command, it contains the word “andenes”.

Thanks again,


Hi Robinson,

In your field_def.xml you have:

<field_group id="tide_gauges" grid_ref="grid_T">
   <field id="ssh_andenes" field_ref="ssh" grid_ref="grid_1point"/>

and in your file_def.xml you have:

<file id="file172" name_suffix="_ssh" description="ocean T grid variables">
   <field field_ref="ssh_andenes" name="ssh_andenes"/>

Have you tried using the grid_ref="grid_1point" in the file_def.xml and not in the field_def.xml? I.e.

<file id="file172" name_suffix="_ssh" description="ocean T grid variables">
   <field field_ref="ssh_andenes" name="ssh_andenes" grid_ref="grid_1point"/>

To my understanding, grid_ref has different meanings depending on whether it appears in a field or file definition:

  • In a field definition, it determines the grid the data will be received on from NEMO
  • In a file definition, it determines the grid the data will be output on in netCDF files

I think your run may be hanging because in your current definition, XIOS is expecting to receive data for a single point. I may be wrong about this, so please give my suggestion a try and let me know what happens.

Hei Daley,

Thanks a lot for the help, I will try this right now. I think i had tried what you suggest, but I will try again just to be sure.

Thanks again,

I remove the definition in field_def, and wrote in file_def:

<file id="file172" name_suffix="_ssh" description="ocean T grid variables" >
 <field field_ref="ssh"         name="ssh_andenes"  grid_ref="grid_1point"  />

Same result… the model freezes when it is time to print the ssh at a single point.

I’ve just tried using your XIOS files in an ORCA2 ocean-only run (using different zoom points and using XIOS in server mode), and it ran ok.

However, when I ran this using XIOS in attached mode (as your iodef.xml seems to suggest you are doing), I got a floating point error in XIOS. Removing the ssh_andenes variable resolved this. So, there seems to be an issue with the zoom when using XIOS in attached mode.

I wonder if you also have this issue, but XIOS is hanging instead of crashing. Could you try running XIOS in detached/server mode?

This is a great idea, thanks a lot, I will try tomorrow. By attached mode, you mean i run only nemo.exe, right ? Indeed this is what I do, but it was never a problem with the zoom.

Thanks again, I would have never thought about it,

It works !!! Daley, if we ever meet do remind me to offer you a beer, you saved my life. I would have never thought of this server idea.

Hooray! Glad to hear it Robinson :smiley:

Hello everyone, I try to use the same to extract different points in my grid, my domain_def.xml are:

< domain id=“1point” domain_ref=“grid_T” >
<zoom_domain ibegin=“1127” jbegin=“722” ni=“1” nj=“1”/>
<zoom_domain ibegin=“1133” jbegin=“694” ni=“1” nj=“1”/>
<zoom_domain ibegin=“1114” jbegin=“763” ni=“1” nj=“1”/>
< /domain>

but it only extracts the last point. Does anyone have any ideas to fix it? thank you so much

Hei Elsy,

Each subdomain that you call “1point”, is a box of consecutive points, consecutive meaning here it can also be a single point. In your case you try to define 3 unrelated points so it cannot work.
You need to define 3 boxes, named for example point_1, point_2, point_3, which are independent.
And then it should work.


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It works, you also need to define grid_def.xml, many thanks.