AGRIF - DOMAINcfg generated file has 2 exact longitude points

Dear NEMO users,

I am using DOMAINcfg tools (compiled with the key_agrif) to generate the child bathymetry domain file (i.e.

The generated file longitudes have the exact same longitude in the first two rows.
nav_lon =
12.03385, 12.03385, 12.03906, …

is this a bug or is it a necessary modification for the AGRIF?
(For me it seems it should NOT be like that)

I would be happy if anyone who used this tool before could reply if this is normal.

Best Regards

It’s done on purpose. Longitudes are duplicated at these (masked) points. In the Agrif framework, one can not indeed interpolate from parent to child grid at these points. The values at these points do not matter anyway in the code.
