DELAY_fwb, Barotropic mode

Hi everyone, I’m doing a yearly barotropic simulation and for my monthly restart file I don’t see the “DELAY_fwb” variable. and for my next year simulation the ocean.output says “iom_nf90_chkatt: no DELAY_fwb attribute found”. Can someone explain to me if they saw or knew any variables about this variable (I didn’t find it in the manuals).

This is not a variable, this is a global attribute of the NetCDF file. The message you see is just a warning.
DELAY_fwb is only used in sbcfwb.F90 (e.i. Surface Boundary Condition Fresh Water Budget) when the namelist parameter nn_fwb = 1, see namsbc of you namelist:

   nn_fwb      = 0         !  FreshWater Budget: =0 unchecked
      !                    !     =1 global mean of e-p-r set to zero at each time step
      !                    !     =2 annual global mean of e-p-r set to zero
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Thank you very much in barotropic mode (NEMO_surge), the fwb is always equal to 1, because it only uses 3 forcings.