File* not found

Hi everyone
I want to run the test “DOME” in NMEO-4.2.0. The compilation went very smoothly, but when I ran the ./nemo, ocean.output file showed an error “File* not found”. Anyone can tell me how can I find or generate this file?


It’s not included in the input files when you download the config ?


Hi Robinson
Thank you for your reply. All files in the DOME file do not include the “” file. Other tests usually run without input files, or provide python scripts for generating input files (e.g. ICE_AGRIF).
Can someone tell me if I’m missing something?


I don’t know the DOME config, but this input file contains the domain grid, bathymetry etc… so it is rather user dependant. However, if you check the tools available in your mo code, you’ll notice there are indeed dedicated tools.

Hope this helps,


The DOME case has been designed to test the embedding procedure. As such, it indeed requires that input parent and child grids are provided and adjusted, hence created offline thanks to the DOMAINcfg tool. If you go in the /tool/DOMAINcfg/tests/DOME directory you’ll find namelists to create parent and child meshes. After compiling the DOMAINcfg tool, you should be able to retrieve the input files by typing ./make_domain_cfg.exe in the same directory.
Nevertheless, if your wish is to run DOME without any zoom, you can simply set the first line of file to 0 (or compile without key_agrif defined), and set ln_read_cfg=.false. in your namelist_cfg. Domain will be created online in that case.

Thank you for your detailed instructions. I can run DOME without agrif for now, but there are still some problems with the addition of agrif.
There are three namelist files in the /tool/DOMAINcfg/tests/DOME directory, and it is clear that namelist_cfg is used to generate the parent mesh. I am not sure which of the other two(1_namelist_cfg and 1_namelist_cfg_z180) is used to generate the child mesh, so I generated two files based on these two namelist_cfg files as the child mesh files for the DOME test. Unfortunately, no matter which child mesh file is used, running . /nemo produces the following error:

  ===>>> : E R R O R


 ==> Child Bathymetry is NOT correct near boundaries.

  ===>>> : E R R O R


 ==> Averaged Bathymetry does not match parent volume

Can you tell me what the problem is? All namelist files I have not made changes.

I don’t know if you still have the problem ?

I just checked in branch_4_2@ecd77527 that:

  • Generating input meshes for DOME with DOMAINcfg tool and with default namelists (i.e. namelist_cfg for parent and 1_namelist_cfg for child in /tools/DOMAINcfg/tests/DOME) is ok.

  • Using these meshes as inputs (e.g. and files) and the default namelists,, etc… contained in /tests/DOME/EXPREF), nemo passes sucessfully the initialization phase.