Help to use module "diaar5"

Assistance with “key_diaar5,” my intention is to simulate sea level using version 4.0.6 of NEMO. In the manual, they describe the “diaar5” module; however, they do not indicate whether this version includes this “key.” If anyone could assist me with this module, thank you.


I do not think you need any key to be able to use diaar5. I do not see any key associated with dia_ar5 and you should be able to use it. Any how in order to enable it you need to active it via your xml for xios:

 l_ar5 = .FALSE.
      IF(   iom_use( 'voltot'  ) .OR. iom_use( 'sshtot'    )  .OR. iom_use( 'sshdyn' )  .OR.  &
         &  iom_use( 'masstot' ) .OR. iom_use( 'temptot'   )  .OR. iom_use( 'saltot' ) .OR.  &
         &  iom_use( 'botpres' ) .OR. iom_use( 'sshthster' )  .OR. iom_use( 'sshsteric' )  ) L_ar5 = .TRUE.

You need to activate one of above diagnostic in your xml file.

Hope it helps.



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