SST increases unreasonably when run nemo with ERA5 data

Hello, I am doing the global simulation and running the NEMO with ERA5 data. I found the simulation results looks unreasonably in my experiment. Everything went well when I did the spin up with ncar. This is the setting what I use to do spinup

The tos from spinup is attached here

After 40 years spinup, I change the atmosphere data to ERA5 data. This is the setting.

the value is unreasonable after I change the data
The Anartic Ocean looks crazy warm in my output.

Has anyone met this issue before? Has anyone had experience running nemo with ERA5 data?
I would appreciate anyone could help me out or give me some advice. Thanks in advance!


The name of your ERA5 files suggests it is hourly data, but then the frequency in hours is set to 3 ?


Hi robinson,

thanks for your reply!Actually, the ERA5 data is 3 hourly. Sorry for the confusing name.

ok, so I’m comparing to my namelist (i also use ERA5), you have set time interp to false, and climatology to true, which are both strange choices since it is a re-analysis.
Then there are all these choices of skin parametrization that i do not have in my nemo version, and also i cannot use dew point temp instead of specific humidity in my namelist. Is this temperature in the right unit for example ?

Hi robinson, can you share me your namelist?

Have you checked that your weights files are giving you the correct interpolation on the fly? ERA5 has a known warm bias in the Arctic; wonder if your fields are upside down?

Hi, the problem is solved. The reason is that Nemo keeps reading the first time step of the atmosphere forcing data during the simulation. I checked the input data and found that my data has a fixed time dimension. The problem was solved after I changed the time dimension to unlimited although I do not really know why it happens like that. Anyway, Thanks for your reply!

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