Lateral boundary issue in global simulation

Hi all,
I am running nemo global model with ORCA05 resolution (720×510). I used the periodic boundary condition (jperio=4). The nemo version is 4.2.2.
The problem is I found the anomaly values in the first and last column. In other words, the periodic boundary condition seems not working in my simulation. The v current and SST are attached below. DOES anyone have idea why it is like this? Thanks for all potential comments!

Which value do you have for cyclic east-west in the ocean.output file? .true. or .false.?

btw, for ORCA05, you must have jperio = 6

Thanks for replying smasson! I changed jperio to 6. It works fine now.

This is very strange, jperio=4 or 6 are both defining an east-west periodicity. The difference between 4 and 6 concerns only the north pole folding (your northern line). This should make no difference in the southern Indian Ocean (where you had very strange features)…

Hi smasson,

is it affected by the domain Netcdf file?
I also changed Ni0glo to 722 and Nj0glo 511 in domain file, but my resolution keeps 720×510. Now, I am not sure which move make it works.

Changes in the domain size before and after (including) NEMO 4.2 are detailed here: Migrating from 4.0.x to 4.2.x — NEMO release-4.2.2 documentation

That is the case! Thanks smasson.