License for coupling NEMO to HCLIM

Dear reader,

in the HCLIM consortium we are using the HARMONIE system for regional climate simulations, both at convection permitting scales, using AROME physics, and at classical RCM scales using ALADIN physics. Within the consortium there is an interest to couple NEMO to HCLIM using OASIS.
The source code of HCLIM is not open-source, unfortunately. Does this put any restrictions on the usage of NEMO for HCLIM? Or would it still be OK to put a copy of NEMO in the HCLIM repository, modify the NEMO code and share it among the consortium members?

kind regards,

Bert van Ulft

NEMO is under the CeCILL licence that is a french version of the GNU GPL. See here
As explained here :

  1. “CeCILL is contaminating: when a software under CeCILL is integrated or integrates a software under a different licence, the result of this integration must be distributed under CeCILL.”
    → When coupling with OASIS, you keep NEMO and HCLIM as two separate executable so HCLIM is not contaminated by NEMO. you have no issue using NEMO.
  2. "The CeCILL licence is hereditary: the redistribution of the software, whether modified or not, must be done under the conditions stated in this licence with a copy of it provided. CeCILL makes the distinction internal modules and external modules in the case of a redistribution: whereas external modules can be distributed with a different licence, internal modules must be distributed under CeCILL."
    If someone ask you “the NEMO version you distribute” you must be able to provide it.