NEMO_ sea surface height

I am currently using the NEMO model, which outputs the Sea Surface Height (SSH) data. The SSH in NEMO is defined as “the height of the free surface (positive upwards)” and is referenced to a surface of constant geopotential (i.e., a mean sea surface height where z = 0).

When comparing the water levels from the NEMO simulation with tide gauge data, I added the mean sea level corresponding to the tidal station to the SSH values from the NEMO model. However, this approach resulted in a large discrepancy. Can we directly use the SSH variable from the NEMO simulations for such comparisons? If not, could you provide guidance on the correct method to adjust the SSH from NEMO to align with the tide gauge data referenced to IGLD 1985?


I do not have the answer to this question, but please check with Vahidreza Jahanmard at Tallinn University.

Thanks Robinson, Have you worked with SSH variable from the NEMO model?

Hei Jeenu,

I replied to the email you sent, with more information