Is NEMO considering any specific GEOID?

Hello everyone,

I am trying to figure out if NEMO uses any specific geoid. I read in the manual that both the sea surface height and the depth of the ocean bottom are referenced to a surface of constant geopotential (i.e. a mean sea surface height) on which z = 0. So this level of reference does not consider any geoid…it seems a bit arbitrary?

Also, when constructing NEMO bathymetry, again no geoid is used? I saw in the manual that one option for the calculation of the bathymetry, is using ETOPO datasets. And these datasets as far as I saw, consider the EGM2008 geoid surface and they then convert it in WGS84 ellipsoid elevation heights. Can someone confirm that indeed this option is used for calculating NEMO bathymetry?

In NEMO, the earth is defined as a perfect sphere with a radius defined in src/OCE/DOM/phycst.F90:

   REAL(wp), PUBLIC ::   ra       = 6371229._wp       !: earth radius                       [m]

Earth gravity is constant and also defined in src/OCE/DOM/phycst.F90:

   REAL(wp), PUBLIC ::   grav     = 9.80665_wp        !: gravity                            [m/s2]
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Thank you for your reply. So, this surface of constant geopotential where z = 0 and is the level of reference for NEMO is the perfect sphere?