Hi everyone,
I have a question regarding the coupling of wave stress in NEMO. As I understand there are two options to do so:
(i) component-wise with ln_taw
for u and v stress (on u- and v-grids).
(ii) as fraction based on the normalized wave stress with ln_tauoc
(on T-grid).
According to the NEMO manual (v4.2.1, Sec. 6.12.7) the surface stress felt by the ocean \tau_{oc} is the atmospheric wind stress \tau_a minus the stress taken up by the waves \tau_w:
\tau_{oc} = \tau_a - \tau_w
However, checking the source code, I see that for option (i), ln_taw=.true.
, the stress components are updated as (sbcmod.F90
, l.460):
utau(:,:) = utau(:,:) - tawx(:,:) + twox(:,:)
vtau(:,:) = vtau(:,:) - tawy(:,:) + twoy(:,:)
While I assume that tawx,y
are components of \tau_w (sent to NEMO via OASIS variables O_Tawx, and O_Tawy), what is stress field twox,y
(sent to NEMO via OASIS variable O_Twox, and O_Twoy)?
Activating ln_taw
, NEMO assumes to receive all the four components tawx
, tawy
, twox
, and twoy
, which - in case only tawx,y
or twox,y
are coupled - results in a unitialized 2nd field leading to Infinity values in utau
and vtau
and the termination of NEMO.
On the other hand, for option (ii), ln_tauoc=.true.
, the manual (Sec. 6.12.7) states that
\tau_{oc} = \tau_a \times \tilde{\tau},
with the “normalized wave stress into the ocean” \tilde{\tau}. In the source code (sbcmod.F90
l.447), \tilde{\tau} is tauoc_wave
and directly received from OASIS (as O_WStrf):
utau(ji,jj) = utau(ji,jj) * ( tauoc_wave(ji,jj) + tauoc_wave(ji-1,jj) ) * 0.5_wp
vtau(ji,jj) = vtau(ji,jj) * ( tauoc_wave(ji,jj) + tauoc_wave(ji,jj-1) ) * 0.5_wp
Based on the equations above, I would assume that
\tilde{\tau} = \frac{\tau_a - \tau_w}{\tau_a} = 1 - \frac{\tau_w}{\tau_a}.
Therefore, it seems that NEMO is not simply distinguishing normalized/not normalized and T-grid/UV component-wise between the two options ln_taw
and ln_tauoc
, but substantially expecting different fields. And especially some field that is not really decribed in the manual…
Can someone resolve my confusion here? Which stresses is NEMO exptecting to receive for the two options?
Thanks in advance!