[v3.6] OASIS error with coupled NEMO-WW3: `global root invalid, check couplcomm for active tasks`

Hi everyone,

I am running the coupled NEMO(v3.6)-WAVEWATCH3(v6.02) with the codes developed by Couvelard, X. and F. Lemarié, et al. (2020). After minor modifications all the codes were compiled and linked successfully. But when I ran a test case with the coupled model, I got no outcome except the nout.000000 like this:

 oasis_init_comp   n,prism_model,root =            1 oceanx           0
 oasis_init_comp   n,prism_model,root =            2 wwatch          -1
 oasis_init_comp   n,prism_model,root =            2 wwatch          -1
 oasis_init_comp ERROR: global root invalid,  check couplcomm for active tasks

I used this command to submit the job: mpirun -np 4 ./opa : -np 4 ./ww3_shel

Will someone tell me what’s going on? Thank you so much.

[1] Couvelard, X. and F. Lemarié, et al. (2020). “Development of a two-way-coupled ocean–wave model: assessment on a global NEMO(v3.6)–WW3(v6.02) coupled configuration.” Geoscientific Model Development 13 (7): 3067-3090.