Hi all,
I’m trying to use NEMO v4.2.0 in coupled mode with WRF v4.3.3 through the oasis3-mct_4.0 coupler.
The coupled model runs without errors when I use, for example, 120 MPI tasks for WRF and 20 or 40 tasks for NEMO. However, when I increase the tasks used in NEMO (over the 40) I get an output.abort message with infinity
What could be the possible cause of this problem ?
I would appreciate any suggestions!
Thanks in advance,
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It is very difficult to give you an input with so few information. I would start by recompiling NEMO with debugging options for example:
%FCFLAGS -i4 -r8 -g -O0 -debug all -traceback -fp-model strict -ftrapuv -check all,noarg_temp_created -fpe-all0 -ftz -init=arrays,snan,huge
With this options you should know where in the code you have this infinite value.
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Thank you very much for your reply.
I tried to run NEMO with debugging option an I get the following error. It seems strange that the error only exists when increasing processors above 40 in coupled mode. In standalone mode, with the same BDY forcing, there is no problem.
forrtl: severe (408): fort: (2): Subscript #2 of the array PDTA_READ has value 13 which is greater than the upper bound of 12
Image PC Routine Line Source
nemo.exe 00000000043A6400 Unknown Unknown Unknown
nemo.exe 0000000001D25B52 fldread_mp_fld_ma 541 fldread.f90
nemo.exe 0000000001D248F0 fldread_mp_fld_ma 503 fldread.f90
nemo.exe 0000000001D1ECEA fldread_mp_fld_ge 389 fldread.f90
nemo.exe 0000000001D1BB9B fldread_mp_fld_up 313 fldread.f90
nemo.exe 0000000001D132AF fldread_mp_fld_re 216 fldread.f90
nemo.exe 00000000011228A4 bdydta_mp_bdy_dta 197 bdydta.f90
nemo.exe 00000000005E2F5D stpmlf_mp_stp_mlf 150 stpmlf.f90
nemo.exe 000000000045C341 nemogcm_mp_nemo_g 134 nemogcm.f90
nemo.exe 000000000045C049 MAIN__ 18 nemo.f90
nemo.exe 00000000044268B2 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc-2.12.so 00002AC222D40D20 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
nemo.exe 000000000045BEA9 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Just a thought, but might this be a result of trying to exchange missing tiles, land tiles (tiles with no ocean)? At 40 MPI tasks it is possible you have none of these, but above that you will begin to get an increasing number of these.
The traceback shows there is a problem somewhere (possibly related to the land MPI subdomains as mentioned in the previous comment) in the BDY routines which creates an error when reading the BDY data.
The point I don’t get is the link with the coupled mode. You say that in standalone mode you have no error. But do you use the exact same number of MPI processes for NEMO in coupled and standalone mode? To me you should have the same problem in coupled or standalone mode…
I found what was wrong! In the namelist_cfg (&namsbc_cpl
) the received stress had cartesian
vector reference instead of spherical
The above traceback related with the BDY routines exist in both standalone and coupled mode with the same number of MPI processes AND debugging options. When I set ln_bdy = .false.
in namelist_cfg, I got an error in the routine geo2ocean.f90 and that’s how I found my mistake. Ιn any case I will have to look into this error.
Thanks for the support!