Salut Robinson,
According to your error message, the namelist block namsbc_blk
contains somewhere a variable name which does not correspond to what the code is expected…
Note it can be either in namelist_cfg or in namelist_ref. You should have an additional line in your error message telling you which namelist files his creating the error.
You said you did not change anything in the namelist so maybe you changed the code and the namelists you provide are no more corresponding to what nemo is expected…
There is the declaration of the variables expected in namsbc_bk
(in src/OCE/SBC/sbcblk.F90):
NAMELIST/namsbc_blk/ ln_NCAR, ln_COARE_3p0, ln_COARE_3p6, ln_ECMWF, ln_ANDREAS, & ! bulk algorithm
& rn_zqt, rn_zu, nn_iter_algo, ln_skin_cs, ln_skin_wl, &
& rn_pfac, rn_efac, &
& ln_crt_fbk, rn_stau_a, rn_stau_b, & ! current feedback
& ln_humi_sph, ln_humi_dpt, ln_humi_rlh, ln_tair_pot, &
& ln_Cx_ice_cst, rn_Cd_i, rn_Ce_i, rn_Ch_i, &
& ln_Cx_ice_AN05, ln_Cx_ice_LU12, ln_Cx_ice_LG15, &
& cn_dir, &
& sn_wndi, sn_wndj, sn_qsr, sn_qlw , & ! input fields
& sn_tair, sn_humi, sn_prec, sn_snow, sn_slp, &
& sn_uoatm, sn_voatm, sn_cc, sn_hpgi, sn_hpgj