Dear all,
I tried to download the ORCA025 and ORCA12 grids, but I couldn’t find them anywhere online. Could you please help me by telling me where I can find these files to download or whom I can ask for them? Thank you.
Dear all,
I tried to download the ORCA025 and ORCA12 grids, but I couldn’t find them anywhere online. Could you please help me by telling me where I can find these files to download or whom I can ask for them? Thank you.
Dear Elsy
This might help: (you may get a warning about a security risk, but don’t worry).
These are ORCA1, ORCA025 and ORCA12 runs from NOC a while back. The grid files are in the “domain” directory for the respective configurations.
See here for a brief description of each run: Fluids | Free Full-Text | The Impact of Horizontal Resolution on Energy Transfers in Global Ocean Models
Dear Joakim,
Many thanks It is help me
Dear Joakim,
I also want to try ORCA025 grids. But I cannot open this link maybe because I am in Australia? Is there any solution?
Best wishes
Hi Ming
I can’t access the site either. Might be temporarily down…
I found this:
You should be able to use DOMAINcfg to switch to another vertical grid if you wish.
Hi, maybe you can use the data from sosie-tool. The data to run the examples has ORCA grids.
Hi Jokim,
Thanks for these input data. But do you know where can I get the eORCA025 configuration?
Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has located ORCA025 grid definition files that they would be happy to share? The ige-meom-opendap link above has them for eORCA025 which I assume is different to ORCA025. And the link above doesn’t seem to have any domain files for the ORCA025 case.