For Nemo V3.6, the documentation says that the EOS80 module gives in-situ density as the output by taking in Potential temperature and practical salinity as input. In-situ density should be used in the momentum equations.
However, this is given in the EOS module (eosbn2.f90):
ln_eos80 : polynomial EOS-80 equation of state is used for rho(t,s,z). rho is the insitu density.
Check value: rho = 1028.35011066567 kg/m^3 for z=3000 dbar, pt=3 Celsius, sp=35.5 psu
The in-situ density is just 1028.35 at a depth of 3000meters (which is quite low).
Can anyone please explain why this is happening? Any answer would be much appreciated.