Tidal mixing parameterization (activated with ln_zdfiwm = .true.; input files prescribed in &namzdf_iwm) has been reworked in v4.2. In previous versions it required 5 input fields (usually provided as 5 NetCDF files: mixing_power_bot.nc, mixing_power_pyc.nc, mixing_power_cri.nc, decay_scale_bot.nc and decay_scale_cri.nc)
However, looking at the namelist now (&namzdf_iwm) I see that it requires 6 input fields now. 4 fields stayed the same but instead of mixing_power_pyc.nc (supplemented with parameter nn_zpyc) it is 2 fields now mixing_power_nsq.nc and mixing_power_sho.nc (parameter nn_zpyc) was removed. This was implemented here: 2021WP/PHY-01_deLavergne_tidal_mixing – NEMO
The problem is that correspoinding inputs are not provided. Reference inputs at zenodo (NEMO Reference configurations inputs) ORCA2_ICE_v4.2.tar contain only the old 5 input files. Where can one get new input files?