[v4.2.x] How to remap NetCDF files from source grid to target grid

Hi all,
There are 3 files in NEMO 4.2: mixing_power_pyc.nc, mixing_power_bot.nc and mixing_power_cri.nc that are not explicitly listed in any namelist under file name.
I’d like to map those R2 files to R05 files, but have not been successful to do so by using the application software sosie.x. Is there anyone who has been able to remap these files to other resolutions by using sosie.x or something else, and if so I’d like to know how to do it.


I guess you are talking about the SOSIE tool developed by Laurent Brodeau:

But regarding the executable you mention sosie.x, shouldn’t there be an upgrade here?
README is full of sosie3.x

I’m not sure what the issue with SOSIE is but those files are not used by 4.2. The fields are now in the int_wave_mix.nc file that comes with the SETTE inputs for ORCA2_ICE_PISCES. Like all 4.2 inputs the overlap rows and columns have been removed, but SOSIE should still cope so long as you specify:

ewper_src  = 0

in the namelist

I don’t have an R05 config to test but SOSIE works ok from ORCA2 to ORCA1 based on the examples/ORCAX_to_ORCAY namelist (with suitable ewper_* and jplev = 1). The only catch was SOSIE didn’t like the fact time_counter doesn’t have a value in int_wave_mix.nc. Either add a dummy value or drop the unnecessary time dimension in a copy of the input set:

ncap2 -s 'time_counter=1' int_wave_mix.nc copy_int_wave_mix.nc


ncwa -a time_counter int_wave_mix.nc copy_int_wave_mix.nc

Either copy seems acceptable to SOSIE.