`PiDIC` variable and weights file not found


I have setup the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES workload for v4.2.0, but get an error during the run.

 ===>>> : E R R O R
 iom_varid, file: ./data_DIC_nomask.nc, var: PiDIC not found
  ===>>> : E R R O R
                     iom_open ~~~
 File ./weights_3D_r360x180_bilin.nc* not found

Where can I find the weights file, is this something I need to generate in the WEIGHTS directory. I also couldn’t find the PiDIC variable in the data_DIC*.nc file. Please advise.




Commenting to keep this active. Please advise. Thanks

Sorry but we provide input files only for the references configuration listed here: Run the Reference configurations — NEMO release-4.2.0 documentation

Are you using one of these configurations?

Hi, thanks for the note. Yes I am running the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES workload which is listed as one of the reference configurations.



OK, just set:

  1. in namelist_top_cfg
ln_trcdta     =  .false.  !  Initialisation from data input file (T) or not (F)
ln_trcbc      =  .false.  !  Surface, Lateral or Open Boundaries conditions
  1. in namelist_pisces_cfg set
ln_ironsed  =  .false.   ! boolean for Fe input from sediments
ln_ironice  =  .false.   ! boolean for Fe input from sea ice
ln_hydrofe  =  .false.   ! boolean for from hydrothermal vents
  1. in namelist_pisces_ref set (or cleaner copy it to namelist_pisces_cfg)
ln_varpar   =  .false.   ! boolean for PAR variable

I think this should be enough

Thank you! I will try this out and send in an update.

